Science & Health In Shastrang - Master Bikram’s Fitness & Martial Art Academy

Master Bikram's Martial Art Academy
Sco-193,Sec16, PKL,Ph:0172-5057789/9988874789
0172-5057789/ 9988874789
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SHASTRANG can be practiced at variable intensities. Since everything is progressive, people of all fitness levels can learn. All SHASTRANG  Patterns Speed Drills, and target drills use sequential movements that result in fluid and connected movements. This is ideal for low to high intensity exercise. By creating oxygen debt through high intensity workouts, the lung and heart’s reserve capacity increases. This is also a more time- efficient and effective way to burn fat and get fit when compared to aerobic exercise.
Optimum Health
SHASTRANG's integrated movements require balance and coordination and its co-ordinate movements have been designed specifically to stimulate the production of neurotrophins – natural substances that stimulate the growth of nerve cells and increase the number of neural connections in the brain. Unlike traditional martial arts, activities or sports that employ homo-lateral movements (using one side of the body), which can be harmful to the body and stressful to the brain, SHASTRANG's movements are cross-lateral (using both sides of the body) like a baby's crawl.

SHASTRANG's techniques work both sides of the body evenly; hands and feet, left and right side, all in co-ordination with the eyes. As a result, the corpus collosum (the 'nerve' that connects the left and right side of the brain), becomes more fully developed. The co-ordinated movements activate both hemispheres of the brain, which heightens cognitive function and increases the ease of learning. SHASTRANG's movements assist whole brain development and learning, using movements to develop both the right and left sides of the brain together.
As a child (or adult) performs SHASTRANG's co-ordinate movements, messages are sent down our motor neurons to our brains, and the creation of more 'nerve nets' in our body will occur as our body teaches movements it has never experienced before. Nerve nets are, in fact, the very essence of learning. As a human being learns a new activity (SHASTRANG or playing the piano perhaps), the body grows new nerve nets to support the new learning. Nerve nets are linked to the nervous system in the body, which is, of course, linked to the brain. The body's role in learning is essential for our brains to fully develop, and anyone of almost any age can benefit from training in SHASTRANG.
SHASTRANG's techniques work both sides of the body evenly; hands and feet, left and right side, all in co-ordination with the eyes. As a result, the corpus collosum (the 'nerve' that connects the left and right side of the brain), becomes more fully developed. The co-ordinated movements activate both hemispheres of the brain, which heightens cognitive function and increases the ease of learning. SHASTRANG's movements assist whole brain development and learning, using movements to develop both the right and left sides of the brain together.

As a child (or adult) performs SHASTRANG's co-ordinate movements, messages are sent down our motor neurons to our brains, and the creation of more 'nerve nets' in our body will occur as our body teaches movements it has never experienced before. Nerve nets are, in fact, the very essence of learning. As a human being learns a new activity (SHASTRANG or playing the piano perhaps), the body grows new nerve nets to support the new learning. Nerve nets are linked to the nervous system in the body, which is, of course, linked to the brain. The body's role in learning is essential for our brains to fully develop, and anyone of almost any age can benefit from training in SHASTRANG.

The health benefits of regular training in SHASTRANG are immense. The yoga-based warm-up stretches muscles and tendons to minimize the risk of strains and tears during training. These regular gentle exercise stretches also improve flexibility long-term. Regular cardiovascular exercise regulates blood pressure and cholesterol and so reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke. Control of weight reduces the risk of developing diabetes, whilst the weight-bearing exercise reduces the risk of osteoporosis and fractures. Regular physical exercise also reduces the effect of ageing on the heart, muscles, joints and even brain, and reduces the risk of injuries to muscles, tendons and joints from daily wear and tear. With regular training, stamina and general cardiovascular fitness is increased, whilst muscle strength is improved resulting in more stable joints. Exercise can also improve mood – the 'feel good factor' boosts the immune system and has a calming effect on stress, due to the release of natural morphine like hormones called endorphis. Though modern science is helping us to appreciate the role of the body and the need for movement in learning, modern life may be making it harder than ever to benefit from this discovery. SHASTRANG's students will immediately discover that SHASTRANG movements profoundly improve learning, optimum health and creative stress management.
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